
Mortgage Modification Successes

by | Mar 13, 2016 | Modification is the Practice of Law, Mortgage Modification, Successes | 0 comments

FreddieMacMost of our clients are people who tried to modify their loans on their own and failed.

Mortgage modifications are tricky. There are procedures which must be followed. When you do something wrong, the servicer does not tell you what you are doing wrong. The servicer sends out a form letter that says that your modification is denied.chase

After doing close to a hundred modifications, we have learned to figure out how to read the servicers’ minds, how to get the square block in the square hole.

We are listing few of our successful modifications — lender by lender or servicer by servicer.

AHMSI Modification

Homeq Modification

little-red-house-ncGMAC Modification

SLS Mortgage Modification

LBPS Mortgage Modification

CENLAR – Bayview Modification

EMC Mortgage Modification

NATIONSTARFlagstar Mortgag Modification

Wachovia Mortgage Modification

Bank of America ModificationBank-of-America-Icon

Chevy Chase Modification

One West Bank aka Indy MacIndyMac Bank Modification

US Bank Modification

Chase Modification

Chase Second Modification

PNC Modificationpnc-bank

HFC-HSBC 2nd Modification

CitiCiti Modification

Midland Mortgage Modification

Ocwen Modification ocwen-logo

wells-fargoWells Fargo Modification

Vericrest-Caliber Modificationcaliber-home-loans

There are many more modifications we have completed.

Feel free to call if you have questions.

James Robert Deal, Attorney


James at James Deal dot com

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