
Anti-vaxxer want informed consent and liberty

by | Jun 1, 2019 | Real Estate Broker | 0 comments

Anti-vaxxer want informed consent and liberty

Ada Drinkwater, Wife mother grandmother great grandmother

Liberty & informed consent are not only the American Way, but a part of every document of medical ethics. Informed consent is also a part of the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act which essentially started this modern vaccine mess in 1986.

How is anyone able to make a sound decision about ANYTHING if he only knows one side of the issue? Don’t you want to know exactly what someone is asking you to do before you blindly agree to doing it? Don’t you want to know the features of a product & any possible down sides to it before you buy it? Why would anyone wish to hide details unless he thought that knowing the truth would turn you away from doing what he was asking of you?

We are NOT getting fully informed consent about vaccines. Instead, we are getting a rosy picture of complete freedom from disease with no negatives except maybe a sore arm. When there is even a slight admission that vaccines can do harm it is still represented as trivial, & only happening once in a million – a figure picked out of thin air! Of course the inserts do list some scary possibilities like brain inflammation; even death. But they KNOW that most of you aren’t going to look! And, so what if you do look, because you BELIEVE the “one in a million”. I don’t say, don’t vaccinate. I say look, read, think, FIRST!

Untold numbers of parents worldwide continue to report regression & sometimes death following vaccination but they are ignored & silenced as much as possible in order to keep up the charade. The media is complicit, being about 75% supported by drug commercial dollars. What are the odds that every one of those parents is wrong? If we treated eye witnesses in a court of law they way we treat the parents of vaccine injured children, we wouldn’t even HAVE a criminal justice system!

The many of you who are in total denial about even the existence of serious vaccine injury, don’t read up on recent discoveries about vaccine ingredients & how they may negatively effect the body. Neither do you follow up on the claims of the vaccine industry & see how much is simply salesmanship & how little is actual science.

That makes it is easy for some of you to throw slurs & only be concerned with how (you believe) our choices affect YOUR health. But if you’d actually read a few books & papers examining the DOWN side of vaccination, many more of you might come to see a different reality. A few days of chicken pox is a minor problem for any of us when 54% of America’s children, even infants, already have some CHRONIC condition that may last a lifetime – or cut their lives short! We are the worst among over 30 developed nations for infant mortality. We are we up to one in thirty-six with autism – estimated to become one in two by 2032!

Do you really think it won’t affect you (a little more than chicken pox!) that the welfare of the entire country is being undermined by the weight of an ever sicker population? You don’t think it will affect YOU & your pocketbook & everything about your life when the U.S. can no longer even put together a standing army for defense? Can no longer find enough people who are capable to do the jobs necessary to run the world? When we can’t provide adequate education, health-care, & living accommodations suited to a huge group of people who will NEVER become able to care for themselves?

What makes you SO sure that vaccines have no part in this? They are the ONLY things we’re not “allowed” to investigate! Not even “allowed” to talk about them in a civil manner! We can investigate food, pesticides, water, air, toiletries, building materials, baby items, over-the-counter drugs… Just NOT vaccines. Why? Not only is that not rocket science, it actually seems more like kindergarten: Say a group of kids is playing hide & seek & all are found except one straggler. You are IT, & quickly you notice that one of the straggler’s best buddies keeps getting in your way; blocking your path; acting-up to distract you. Pretty obvious, that where he’s trying to PREVENT you from looking is EXACTLY where you’ll find his pal hiding!

Suggested books: “Vaccines, a Reappraisal” is a great overview written by a long-time family physician. J.B. Handley’s “How To End The Autism Epidemic” pulls together a lot of science & discusses legal issues. “Dissolving Illusions” by Dr. Suzanne Humphries is a favorite of many of us. Lots of science & lots of history included in this one. “Miller’s Review of Critical Vaccine Studies” is very useful as well.


James Robert Deal
Real Estate Attorney & Real Estate Managing Broker

PO Box 2276 Lynnwood WA 98036
Law Office Line: 425-771-1110
Broker Line: 425-774-6611
KW Everett Office Line: 425-212-2007
Fax: 425-776-8081

I help brokers. Flat fee payable at closing.
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James Robert Deal
Real Estate Attorney & Real Estate Managing Broker

PO Box 2276 Lynnwood WA 98036
Law Office Line: 425-771-1110
Broker Line: 425-774-6611
KW Everett Office Line: 425-212-2007
Fax: 425-776-8081

I help brokers. Flat fee payable at closing.
Property search: JamesRobertDeal.com


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